YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHERE I HID THE CHEESE is a clown show. It’s Freddy Mercury with a cheesehead, extravagantly mimed escapes and lots of cheesy portmanteaus (“it’s a travescheese!”). Next to all this, it’s Steve Meagher on the keys, making the full range of kooky sound effects and musical wonders on a Korg R3 synthesizer.
The “out-of-the-ordinary” (The Plus Ones) Debbie Zukerman and "superb" (Adelaide Theatre Guide) Alicia Gonzalez are joined by Steve Meagher, and together they'll take you on an adventure into the heart of Cheese. The Cheese has travelled to Melbourne and Sydney as well as a regional tour to the Upper Hunter, Liverpool plains and Southeast NSW. If you'd like us to visit your neighbourhood, please get in touch! |